3 Tips for Surviving the Newborn Phase

Having a newborn baby is the greatest blessing on earth. For 9 whole months our body grows and expands on the outside while nourishing our baby from within, and we cannot wait until the moment we get to hold our precious baby in our arms. When my baby entered this world, it was hands down the most miraculous event I ever experienced. This is such an exciting, joyful and fulfilling period of time, but it is also coupled with a complete fluctuation of emotions, sleepless nights, physical healing, and an inability to find a single moment for ourselves. That being said, it is so crucial that we know how to take care of ourselves so that we can make this period of time a little more stable as well as more enjoyable!

My first tip to surviving the newborn phase is to get outside every single day. It doesn’t matter if you’re going on a walk or just sitting on a lounge chair, make it a high priority to get fresh air, even if it’s the only thing you do all day. This will help you feel rejuvenated as spending time outdoors in the sun and fresh air is directly linked to boosting your mood.

My second tip is so silly, but the reality is that new moms need this reminder time and time again, SHOWER! Take a shower every single day, even if you stayed home in pajamas all day long and barely moved out of your bed or off the couch, I encourage you to force yourself to shower. New moms are often exhausted and drained, so we tend to put ourselves on the back burner, but don’t pass up on making yourself feel better! Showering will immediately make you feel refreshed which will directly make you feel like you can better handle the challenges that come with having a newborn. You’ll feel clean, which in turn will make you be more patient and enable you to show up as your best self, and ultimately motivate you to be the best mom you can be to your newborn baby.

My last tip is to do something daily or every few days that you can look forward to. When you create this personal time whether it’s with your partner, friend, sibling or just yourself, it will empower you and allow you to take on the night, and the following day, with a little more strength. Ultimately, create something to look forward to, make it tangible, and make it consistent.

The newborn phase flies rapidly! I promise it’s over before you know it so do your best to savor and cherish every moment. Even through the challenges, soak it all in because your baby will quickly grow right in front of your eyes and before you know it, the newborn phase will only be a memory. Enjoy it, be patient and gentle with yourself, and trust the process. You got this mama!!!!

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